Originally aired on NPR’s 1A on May 14, 2024. Featuring original interviews with Bobby McFerrin (accompanied by MOTION), Linda Goldstein, Joshua Silverstein, and Gene Shinozaki.
“The Sounds of America” profiles some of the audio recordings recently added to the National Recording Registry at the Library of Congress.
Today, some deep joy and a song that’s been called the feel-good song of the century: Bobby McFerrin’s “Don’t Worry, Be Happy.”
The song was first released in 1988 as part of Bobby McFerrin’s “Simple Pleasures” album. It was also included on the soundtrack for the film “Cocktail” starring Tom Cruise.
Its infectious melodies and rhythm carried it to the top of the charts, making it the first acapella song to reach number one.
Helping us tell the story of “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” are producer Linda Goldstein, performance artist Joshua Silverstein, musician Gene Shinozaki, and Bobby McFerrin himself.
The Sounds of America is produced by Jennie Cataldo for Accompany Studios.