Originally aired on NPR’s 1A on April 30, 2024. Featuring original interviews with Debbie Harry, Chris Stein, Clem Burke, Jimmy Destri, Mike Chapman and Kembrew McLeod.

The Sounds of America profiles some of the recordings that have just been added to the National Recording Registry at the Library of Congress.

Every year, 25 audio recordings that have historical, cultural or aesthetic importance to our audio heritage are added to the list.

Today, a closer look at Blondie and the band’s album “Parallel Lines.”

Blondie’s first two albums didn’t gain much traction. But when the group released “Parallel Lines” in 1978, it took them from the New York underground to the top of the charts worldwide.

We hear from lead singer Debbie Harry and band members Chris Stein, Clem Burke, and Jimmy Destri. Also, the album’s producer, Mike Chapman, and author Kembrew McLeod.

The Sounds of America is produced by Jennie Cataldo for Accompany Studios.